Sermon Series
Dig deeper into our sermon series’ with additional text and resources.
Heaven in the Ordinary: Experiencing a Praying Life
The singular time that Jesus’ first followers actually requested that he teach them something was when they asked, “Lord, teach us to pray!” Regardless of background, all people desire to connect with God- to pray. And, we don’t know how to pray- we find prayer confusing, difficult, threatening.
So, join us at FPC as we listen to the teaching and praying of Jesus as he guides us into a praying life- a life that experiences “heaven in the ordinary.”
Seeing Jesus
The beating heart of the Christian good news is that Jesus Christ is the living God coming among us, “moving into the neighborhood.” This winter at FPC, we’ll be reflecting on a number of the images the Gospel of John uses to describe who Jesus is, and their roots in the Hebrew Scriptures, to experience how the light of God in our lives.
So whether you’re a long-time follower of Jesus, or just beginning to explore faith, join us at FPC!
Praying Christmas
Being a Christian isn’t just assenting to a set of ideas- it’s living a new way of life. This summer at FPC, we’ll be exploring the book of Ephesians. Ephesians is a wise, beautiful piece of writing that depicts for us what it means to live all of our lives- our relationships, our work life, our families- “in Christ”: in the new kind of life that the living Jesus offers the world.
So, whether you’re just beginning to explore what it might mean to be a Christian, or are a seasoned follower of Jesus, join us at FPC this summer!
Tell It Slant
Being a Christian isn’t just assenting to a set of ideas- it’s living a new way of life. This summer at FPC, we’ll be exploring the book of Ephesians. Ephesians is a wise, beautiful piece of writing that depicts for us what it means to live all of our lives- our relationships, our work life, our families- “in Christ”: in the new kind of life that the living Jesus offers the world.
So, whether you’re just beginning to explore what it might mean to be a Christian, or are a seasoned follower of Jesus, join us at FPC this summer!
Living Resurrection: Ephesians
Being a Christian isn’t just assenting to a set of ideas- it’s living a new way of life. This summer at FPC, we’ll be exploring the book of Ephesians. Ephesians is a wise, beautiful piece of writing that depicts for us what it means to live all of our lives- our relationships, our work life, our families- “in Christ”: in the new kind of life that the living Jesus offers the world.
So, whether you’re just beginning to explore what it might mean to be a Christian, or are a seasoned follower of Jesus, join us at FPC this summer!
Church 2024
Easter means that Jesus Christ is not a memory of history past, but a living Person, alive, at large, and on the loose in our present. During the weeks following Easter, the Christian community celebrates and reflects on the good news of resurrection. This Easter, at FPC, we’ll be listening together to a series of messages given by the risen Jesus to a series of seven churches on the coast of modern-day Turkey. They comprise Jesus’ final Scriptural word to his Church, here and now.
So, whether you’re just beginning to explore faith, or are a seasoned Christian, join us at FPC as we listen to Jesus teach us what it means to follow him together in 2024!
Following the King: The Gospel of Mark
The Gospel of Mark is different. Its account of Jesus life is unlike any biography you’ve read, any documentary you’ve watched. There’s no material about his origins, friends, or education, for example. No description of his physical appearance. Mark isn’t a tell-all, but a Gospel- it tells us the story of what the living God is doing in the world through Jesus, and how our lives can participate in that story.
From the beginning of 2024 through Easter, we’ll be immersing ourselves in the Gospel of Mark, as it’s what Eugene Peterson called “the basic text for Christian spirituality.” So, whether you’re just beginning to explore who Jesus is, or are a lifelong Christian, join us on Sundays at FPC as we experience what it means to follow King Jesus!
Christmas Playlist
Christmas songs and hymns are some of the most well-known music in the world. Even those unfamiliar with Christian faith or unconnected to the Church are often familiar with some of this season’s songs- even if just as background music at a store or in a commercial, or at a holiday party. Or maybe as a half-remembered tune from childhood.
This year, we’ll be reflecting together on several of the texts from Scripture that feature in the great hymns and songs of the season. They express in powerful fashion the deep human longings we give space for in Advent, and the hope of the Good News we celebrate at Christmas. So whether you’re just beginning to consider faith, or are a longtime Christian, plan on joining us at FPC as we listen to the music of the Christmas Gospel.
Vision 60
In 1963, a small group of people began meeting together and praying about starting a new church community in the northern part of Palm Beach county. This small group, which first began worship services by renting space at a preschool on Prosperity Farms Road, was the beginnings of First Presbyterian Church!
Sacred Questions
We often think of spirituality and religion as our search for God- humanity’s attempts to find our way toward our Creator. But the Scriptures don’t depict our search for God- they narrate the living God’s search for us. This fall, we’re listening to several of the questions posed by God in the Scriptures. We’d love for you to join us, wherever you are in your own journey of faith, this fall at FPC to listen to the questions God asks, and experience God pursuing you, finding you, and transforming you in Christ Jesus.
The Good Life
From our earliest beginnings, humans have wondered, “what makes up a good life? What does a full, flourishing life look like?” How we answer these questions shapes the whole trajectory of our existence. This summer at FPC, we’ll be exploring how Jesus addresses this question.
Resurrection Stories
Christians believe that the resurrection of Jesus at Easter is the central event in all human history, the singular moment that changes the whole universe. Jesus’ resurrection is the central one in the Scriptures- but not the only one. This Easter season, we’re going to be exploring the Bible’s stories of resurrection, to get a feel for how brings new life out of death, and what it looks like to live the new life we’re given in Jesus.