Worship Through Giving
For Christians, the giving of their material resources to the ministry and service of the Church is one primary way in which we practice the freedom of worshipping God.
It is a joyful response to God’s generosity in giving us Christ (2 Cor. 8.8-9). All of our service to God, and our service to our neighbors in Palm Beach County and around the world is funded entirely by the financial participation of those who are part of our community. We appreciate your generous investment in what God is doing through FPC!
Online Giving Platform
You can give online right here on this page. Click the “GIVE NOW” button above.
Text any dollar amount to 84321 to give. You’ll follow a quick, self-guided setup process the first time you use it. After that, donating is as easy as sending a text.
Through Our App
Download Church Center in the app store and search for First Presbyterian Church in North Palm Beach.
Join us Sunday morning! Simply place cash or checks in the offering plate during the collection at our services. Offering envelopes are available for those who give frequently; envelopes are are also available in the pews. We appreciate cash donations being placed in envelopes with your name and address on them so we can give proper credit to your account.
By Mail
You can also drop off checks to the office or mail them. Please make checks payable to First Presbyterian Church and send to 717 Prosperity Farms Road, North Palm Beach, FL 33408.
Non-Cash Giving
You can donate non-cash gifts like stocks, bonds, mutual funds, or cars. Transfer ownership of your stocks, bonds, or mutual fund shares by contacting your broker and providing them with First Presbyterian Church's broker: Morgan Stanley account number 501-049930, DTC number 0015.
Endowment Fund
The Endowment Fund is designed to be the steward of special lifetime and testamentary gifts, over and above regular tithes and offerings, made by those of us whose lives have been touched, enriched and even transformed, by the Church. First Presbyterian Church in North Palm Beach is not just a local, physical place constructed of bricks and mortar where people come to worship. Instead, it is a Church that has financial and human resources that are dedicated to creating disciples of Jesus Christ, nurturing members’ Christian faith and fostering a compassionate community for meaningful fellowship. When we become members of this Church, we become sustainers of the Church and its purpose and, in turn, by God’s grace, the Church becomes a sustaining force in our lives. As an addition to the Church’s operating budget and, importantly, not as a replacement for it, the Endowment Fund prudently invests and manages the gifts it receives so that the Fund will grow as a lasting resource. The fruits of this endowment are to be used to advance the Church’s ongoing Mission in ways that would be impossible without such long-term stewardship, and to further develop programs that will continue to enrich this unique relationship between the Church and its Members, as mutual sustainers, generation upon generation.
Common Questions
Year-end giving statements will be emailed by no later than January 31 to the email address we have on file. If we do not have an email address, we will mail it to you.
Web and mobile giving are available for one-time gifts or for scheduled, recurring contributions. Whether you’d like to have a single gift, schedule ongoing contributions, or view your giving history, you can do it all from your computer or mobile phone (see above.) It’s quick, easy, and secure.
Yes. You can submit your tithe and gifts through your bank’s online bill payment service. Your bank will send it to First Pres, and we will add it to your giving record as if you had written a check. Indicate “First Presbyterian Church” as your payee, specify your name as the account, and use the following for the payee address:
First Presbyterian Church in NPB
717 Prosperity Farms Road
North Palm Beach, 33408 -
If you are interested in giving to First Pres in another way, please contact Gayle Coughanour at gcoughanour@firstpresnpb.org.
If you have any other questions about giving at First Pres NPB, please call (561) 622-8818 or email give@firstpresnpb.org.