About Us
The central dynamic of all Christian teaching and life is the news- the “gospel”- of what God’s done for the cosmos in Jesus Christ.
Our Mission
Equipping people to pursue and share gospel-driven lives

Our Values
The Bible narrates what God’s done for us in Christ, so all our life and teaching are rooted in Holy Scripture. The Scriptures are “the territory in which Christians expect to hear God speaking,” as one church leader puts it.
We believe we’re hard-wired for community, and that the grace of Jesus creates a new, utterly unique kind of human community. And so, we see FPC as a web of relationships where we learn to live the care and love of Jesus together.
God intends each of us to be a conduit of Christ’s grace and truth, and so we’re passionate about helping everyone unearth how they’re called to use their story, gifts, and talents to serve others.
We see FPC as a “teaching hospital”: a setting in which women and men can discover and refine their gifts and unearth the shape of their calling to serve God’s kingdom.
The Gospel is good news for everyone, everywhere; so FPC cares deeply about being a church that exists not just for ourselves, but for others; and we invest ourselves in multiplying new communities of Jesus around our region and around the world.
First Presbyterian Church is centered in the good news of Christ: that, in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth, God has acted to redeem and make new the cosmos he has created.
Our Beliefs
Our church roots ourselves in robust, historic Christian faith, expressed in our “Book of Confessions”- a collection of widely-accepted summary articulations of Christian teaching, containing:
The Apostles’ Creed
The Nicene Creed
The Heidelberg Catechism
The Westminster Confession
The Westminster Catechisms
The Theological Declaration of Barmen
Our Family
First Presbyterian Church belongs to the worldwide family of God- the “catholic Church”- in the Presbyterian and Reformed tradition: a branch of the Christian family tree which springs from a renewal movement in the Church dating to the 16th century.
FPC is a member congregation in the Evangelical Covenant Order of Presbyterians, referred to as ECO.
ECO is theologically governed by Essential Tenets and further guided by Confessional Standards.