Following Jesus for the Palm Beaches to Flourish

Lent & Easter

at FPC

  • Join us for our annual Palm Sunday Cantata! This special service features a beautiful selection of music and Scripture readings that walk us through Jesus’s last week on earth.

    Two Services - 9am and 11am in the Sanctuary

  • Maundy Thursday honors the evening which Jesus shared the last supper with his disciples before his arrest and trial.

    This year, we will be celebrating Maundy Thursday by having a Last Supper experience with small group gatherings. You can register for a group on our website!

  • Good Friday is the day our Lord Jesus was crucified on the cross.

    Service at 8am in the Sanctuary

    Breakfast to follow in Fellowship Hall

  • Our annual Easter Eggstravaganza is happening from 10am-12pm on the FPC courtyard and lawn. Everyone is welcome to come out and join us for the fun! There will be Easter egg hunts for children aged infant-2nd grade, bounce houses, crafts, a petting zoo, BBQ lunch, and more!

    Easter Egg Hunt Times

    0-23 Months: 10:15am

    2 Year Olds: 10:15am

    3 Year Olds: 10:45am

    4 Year Olds: 10:45am

    Kindergarten & 1st Grade: 11:00am

    2nd & 3rd Grade: 11:15am

  • Our Easter Vigil service celebrates the resurrection of our risen Lord Jesus!

    Service at 5pm in the Sanctuary

  • Our Student Ministry is raising money for Student Life Camp this summer. We will come to your house and egg your yard the night before Easter, so that your family can wake up to an egg-cellent egg hunt!

    Delivery will be after 8pm on Saturday, April 19th. Eggs are all prestuffed with goodies! Click here to place your order and reserve your yard for egging!

  • Join us we celebrate the resurrection of our risen Lord Jesus!

    Sunrise Worship Service at 7am in the Courtyard

    Worship Services at 9am and 11am in the Sanctuary

Current Sermon Series: Heaven in the Ordinary

The singular time that Jesus’ first followers actually requested that he teach them something was when they asked, “Lord, teach us to pray!” Regardless of background, all people desire to connect with God- to pray. And, we don’t know how to pray- we find prayer confusing, difficult, threatening.

So, join us at FPC as we listen to the teaching and praying of Jesus as he guides us into a praying life- a life that experiences “heaven in the ordinary.”

Connect With The Life Of Our Church

Our digital Church Directory lives on Church Center. It respects the privacy of all our congregants, so you need to be given access in order to view the Directory. If you’d like to receive access to our Directory, click the button below to email Kara Avila, our Pastors’ Assistant.

Once you have access to the Directory, you can choose to share your information to be added to our growing Directory!

The Church Center app is one of the main resources of information for getting connected at First Pres NPB. Sign up for events, connect with our community, give, check your family in, and more!

Download the Church Center app today.

Worship With Us

Sundays | 8:15am, 9:30am, and 11:00am

Find Your People.

Small groups are the lifeblood of FPC; they’re the main way to connect to the church community. In our groups, we engage Scripture, build spiritual friendships, and work out what it looks like to follow Jesus here and now. We’d love to help you find the group that’s right for you!